Welcome to the registration page for theHigh Level Throwing® Clinic in Pennsville, NJ! We’ve teamed up with The Stars National Fastpitchto bring you some awesome softball throwing sessions!
These sessions will be run by Austin Wasserman focusing on our Foundations & Advanced Concepts of High Level Throwing®!
There will be 4OpenSessions available for softball players looking to learn & develop efficient overhand throwing mechanics! Coach Access is available to attend a session to take notes and learn!
- Session 1: Friday, Sept 22nd @ 6PM-8PM (Ages 13+) – SOLD OUT!
- Session 2: Sunday, Sept 24th@ 9AM-11AM (Ages 9-12)
- Session 3: Sunday, Sept 24th @ 1130AM-130PM (Ages 9-12)
- Session 4: Sunday, Sept 24th @ 2PM-4PM (Ages 13+)
- Coach Pass: See Below.
Outdoor Field (Indoor Backup Available if Needed)40 Church Landing RoadPennsville, NJ 08070
Outdoor Field (Indoor Backup Available if Needed)40 Church Landing RoadPennsville, NJ 08070
is the owner and founder of Wasserman Strength and High Level Throwing®. Austin is a Strength Coach, Performance Coach and Author from Brooklyn, New York. He’s the Author of the High Level Throwing® Series E-Books and The Strength and Base Stealing Manuals. Austin is a consultant for youth, high school, college and professional coaches, teams and organizations!