High Level Throwing® Clinic - Clarksville, TN
Welcome to the registration page for the High Level Throwing® Clinic in Clarksville, TN to bring you some awesome throwing sessions!
This clinic will be run by Austin Wasserman with sessions focusing on the Foundations of High Level Throwing® for Baseball & Softball Athletes!
There will be 5 Player Sessions available for athletes or teams looking to learn & develop overhand throwing mechanics!
- Session 1: Friday, January 12th @ 530PM-730PM (Ages 9-12) - Softball
- Session 2: Saturday, January 13th @ 9AM-11AM (Ages 9-12) - Softball
- Session 3: Saturday, January 13th @ 1130AM-130PM (Ages 13+) - Softball
- Session 4: Saturday, January 13th @ 2PM-4PM (Ages 9+) - Baseball
- Session 5: Saturday, January 13th @ 5PM-7PM (Ages 13+) - Softball
- Coach Access: Choose any session to attend and learn!
*We limit each session to 16 players! Athletes should wear softball training apparel or uniform. Each athlete will receive a FREE High Level Throwing® Getting Started Training Guide sent via email!

Austin Wasserman is the Owner & Founder of Wasserman Strength, High Level Throwing® and High Level Pitching®. He’s a Strength Coach, Performance Coach and Author from Brooklyn, New York. He’s the Author of the High Level Throwing® and High Level Pitching® Series E-Books!
Austin works with Youth, High School, College, MiLB & MLB Baseball Players as well as Softball Players of all ages. He has consulted for and currently consults for some of the top baseball and softball programs in the country such as Vanderbilt, Alabama, Arizona State, Minnesota, Duke, University of South Carolina, LSU, Ole Miss, University of Washington, UNCW, Coastal Carolina, Villanova, Texas Lutheran, Iowa and Iowa State to name a few.
His books, High Level Throwing®, are some of the most used overhand throwing books in the country! These books teach baseball and softball players how to move efficiently, maximize throwing potential, improve accuracy and create intent based on position, through constraint training drills and progressions.
REGISTRATION DETAILS When you register, you will receive an email confirming your acceptance to the clinic and to the specific session you signed up for. *There are NO refunds. You can transfer your spot to another athlete OR get the HLT Book for FREE.